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Presenter Development

Presenter Development provides a district with the opportunity to effectively deliver workshops for new teachers or to expand implementation at significantly reduced costs.

Why Develop Presenters?

Fundations® Presenters are skilled Facilitators with deep programmatic knowledge who have completed additional professional learning that allows them to conduct program workshops within their district (dependent on eligibility).

Training is specific to a Fundations’ Level and builds the district’s capacity to offer those program-specific workshops themselves at a significantly reduced cost.

Presenters serve as knowledgeable resources for their colleagues and administrators, and support program implementation with fidelity.

If your school or organization is interested in developing a plan that includes Presenter Development, please contact us to start the discussion.

Presenter holding up a baby owl puppet on a ruler

Presenter Development Overview

Presenter Development can follow Facilitator Certification as part of a school or district’s COMPASS plan. Learn the details below.