Online Learning Communities
Teacher support at your fingertips
Wilson Academy® Learning Communities
The Wilson® Learning Communities are membership-based companion sites to support individuals teaching Wilson’s programs. They provide the Wilson teaching community with ongoing access to reference and instructional materials, as well as networking opportunities. Learning communities also house access to program-specific professional learning.
Membership to the Fundations® or Just Words® Learning Community is included with the purchase of a Teacher’s Manual and/or upon enrollment in a professional learning workshop. For the Wilson Reading System® (WRS), membership is included with enrollment in a WRS Introductory course, WRS Level I Certification, or a WRS Level II course. Access codes are also provided with:
- On-site professional learning by your coordinating school administrator or the Wilson Trainer or Presenter.
- Your Fundations Teacher’s Manual (for Fundations Learning Community membership).
- Your Just Words Instructor Manual (for Just Words Learning Community membership).
- Your WRS Instructor Manual (Steps 1-6), 4th edition (for WRS Learning Community membership).
For ongoing support, membership is renewable annually at no cost.

Fundations Learning Community
The Fundations Learning Community provides educators implementing Fundations with helpful resources and support.
The Fundations Learning Community features:
- Printable materials to enrich Fundations instruction, including worksheets, wordlists, and student reference materials
- Resources, such as learning plans, teacher checklists, materials management, and Unit test materials
- Video demonstrations of Fundations activities, syllable types, tapping, and marking for each Level
- Intervention resources, as well as Progress Monitoring tools
- Expert tips
- FAQs

Just Words Learning Community
The Just Words Learning Community provides educators with helpful resources and support to enhance their implementation of Just Words.
The Just Words Learning Community features:
- The Just Words InterActivities whiteboard application tool to help teachers prepare for class by practicing sound and word structure. This tool can also be used interactively with students in a classroom setting, virtual or in-person (if whiteboard technology and web access are available)
- Printable materials to support or enhance Just Words lessons, including cue cards, checklists, and worksheets
- Resources, such as lesson plans, student progress measurement, and student identification.
- Video demonstrations of syllable types, tapping, and marking
- Expert tips
- FAQs

Wilson Reading System (WRS) Learning Community
The Wilson Reading System (WRS) Learning Community provides educators implementing WRS with essential resources and support.
The WRS Learning Community features:
- Informational passages of varying text structure, both enriched and non-controlled readable text, to incorporate into Part 10 of a WRS Lesson
- Printable materials for teachers and students, including lesson plan guidance, notebook examples, word cards, and more
- Resources, such as lesson plans, cue cards, dictation pages, and group lesson forms
- Video demonstrations of basic WRS instruction and skills, including sound tapping and marking-up procedures
- Expert tips
- FAQs
- Discussion boards
- Scheduled online chats

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